Guide to External Collaboration

The best tools for supplier collaboration

August 30, 2024
What is supplier collaboration?
Supplier collaboration is a strategic approach to supplier relationships in which a business actively works with its suppliers to achieve shared goals. The best tools for supplier collaboration have the critical capabilities to support external collaboration. 

In external collaborations, independent entities work together to achieve shared goals. Supplier collaborations are external collaborations, and effective supplier collaboration helps businesses and their suppliers achieve mutual benefits like cost reduction, quality improvement, innovation, and access to new markets. In many organizations, supplier collaboration has the potential to create a great deal of value. But what tools can procurement teams and suppliers use to achieve strategic alignment? 

Critical capabilities for supplier collaboration tools

Procurement organizations can choose from a number of available tools to support their internal processes. Recognizing that external collaborations require a different approach than work with internal stakeholders reveals that the majority of these tools are not well suited for supplier collaboration.  

Remembering that supplier collaboration requires both relationship-building between organizations and practical solutions to facilitate collaboration (see What is supplier collaboration?), the following capabilities are critical functions of supplier collaboration tools. 

  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: The ability to communicate effectively in real-time and asynchronously is essential. This dual capability ensures that procurers and suppliers can stay connected and informed, regardless of time zone or schedule differences.
  • File Sharing: Most external collaborations are centered around an exchange of documents (e.g., contracts, agreements, etc), and supplier collaborations are no different.  Therefore a fundamental requirement is the ability to share files and documents securely and easily. This involves not just the transfer of documents but also ensuring that they can be accessed and retrieved by authorized personnel when needed.
  • Document Collection/Requests: This capability involves organizing and requesting documents in a structured manner. It's about streamlining the process of gathering necessary documents from (or for) suppliers, which is a common requirement in many supplier collaborations.
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Document collaboration requires tools that allow multiple parties to work on documents. The most important aspect of this capability is keeping track of the document versions exchanged between the parties.
  • Audit Trails: Comprehensive audit trails log activity related to shared files, facilitating transparency and accountability between procurers and suppliers.
  • Security and Confidentiality: Procurement teams and their vendors and suppliers exchange sensitive data. Therefore, ensuring the security and confidentiality of shared information is non-negotiable. This involves encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with data protection regulations to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Interoperability: In supplier collaboration, it’s important to note that each party has its own set of internal processes, protocols, and technologies that support the external work.  Interoperability ensures that the tools used for supplier collaboration can seamlessly interact and integrate with the diverse technological environments of both parties. Being able to interoperate with everyone’s existing operating environment means parties are not forced to deviate from their preferred methods of operation. For procurement teams, this should also include S2P, S2C, P2P, and/or CLM system integrations. 

The best tools for supplier collaboration

Considering the prevalence and importance of supplier collaboration in procurement processes like vendor selection, contract negotiation, vendor onboarding, vendor risk assesment, and vendor management, it’s somewhat surprising that the tools most frequently used to support supplier collaboration fall into only a few categories.


Phone calls are generally used for specific, expected, or scheduled communications, while fax, although less common today, is still used for transmitting documents that require signatures when digital signatures are not an option. Despite the decline in their use, 44% of organizations still use telephones and faxes in supplier collaborations.

Email Platforms

Despite a total lack of structure and the risks of using email with external stakeholders (and vendors, specifically), 80% of organizations report using email to collaborate with internal and external procurement stakeholders, largely because of its ubiquity. 

Online video conferencing

Video conferencing has exploded in the pandemic/post-pandemic business environment. It has replaced the phone for both internal and external purposes and some face-to-face meetings. Some video conferencing tools offer enhanced capabilities such as AI-based transcription and analysis. Like the phone, it is specifically real-time, but has the added benefit of pseudo-face-to-face communication.

S2P software

Source to Pay software can be a game changer for procurement organizations, but due to the cost of acquiring and operating strategic sourcing suites, they’re primarily used by large organizations with significant budgets. According to Gartner’s Peer Review website, “Strategic sourcing application suites are a set of related, integrated solutions that support upstream procurement activities; in other words, the strategic work the procurement team does for planning, assessment and performance management. Strategic sourcing application suites are used primarily by companies with $800 million or more in annual revenue that, typically, have the necessary critical mass of spend.” Additionally, they’re often inflexible, imposing so much structure that productivity losses can outweigh the benefits. And, where supplier collaboration is concerned, they still primarily resort to email.

External Collaboration Tools

External collaboration tools like TakeTurns are purpose-built for external collaborations, ideally suited for working with suppliers and vendors. They provide a central location where both organizations collaborate (exchange, request, manage, and version) on the documents and files necessary for procurement processes, while also tracking the communications associated with the matters at hand.

Comparing the best tools for supplier collaboration

Detailed Assessments of tools for sharing sensitive data and files

External Collaboration Tools

  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: Good (supports real-time and asynchronous communication)
  • File Sharing: Good (Designed to facilitate secure and efficient file sharing.
  • Document Collection/Requests: Good (Structured to streamline and track document collection and requests.)
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Good (Built to support collaborative work on documents with effective versioning.)
  • Audit Trails: Good (Provides a complete timeline that includes every document and revision exchanged, request, and message sent, ensuring transparency and accountability for everyone involved)
  • Security and Confidentiality: Good (Only invited participants can access the workspace)
  • Interoperability: Good (seamless integration with a variety of other business tools) 
The Ultimate Guide to Supplier Collaboration

S2P software

  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: Medium (Some have communication capabilities
  • File Sharing: Medium (Usually rely on email platform APIs to exchange files)
  • Document Collection/Requests: Medium (Some have vendor portals)
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Good (Support versioning)
  • Audit Trails: Medium (Good for internal use cases but poor for external)
  • Security and Confidentiality: Good
  • Interoperability: Good (Support integrations)

Email Platforms

  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: Medium (great for asynchronous, poor for real-time)
  • File Sharing: Medium (Support file sharing through attachments, but poor security and findability)
  • Document Collection/Requests: Medium (Can be used for this purpose but lacks structured processes and tracking)
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Poor (Do not support collaborative editing or version tracking within the platform)
  • Audit Trails: Poor (lack of structure makes it nearly impossible to use email as an audit trail)
  • Security and Confidentiality: Poor (Learn about the Top Email Risks when Sending Sensitive Files
  • Interoperability: Medium (While widely used, they may not integrate seamlessly with specialized tools)


  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: Medium (great for real-time, no asynchronous)
  • File Sharing: Poor (no file sharing)
  • Document Collection/Requests: Poor (Can make verbal requests, but no tracking)
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Poor (No document collaboration)
  • Audit Trails: Medium (Calls can be recorded or transcribed)
  • Security and Confidentiality: Good 
  • Interoperability: Poor

Online video conferencing

  • Real-Time and Asynchronous Communication Capabilities: Medium (great for real-time, no asynchronous)
  • File Sharing: Poor (no file sharing)
  • Document Collection/Requests: Poor (Can make verbal requests, but no tracking)
  • Document Collaboration/Versioning: Poor (No document collaboration)
  • Audit Trails: Medium (Video meetings can be recorded or transcribed)
  • Security and Confidentiality: Good
  • Interoperability: Poor

Consider TakeTurns for your supplier collaborations

Supplier collaborations are a type of external collaboration, and external collaborations require different support than work done with internal stakeholders. 

TakeTurns is a purpose-built platform for external collaborations, ideally suited for working with suppliers and vendors. It provides a central location where both organizations collaborate (exchange, request, manage, and version) on the documents and files necessary for procurement processes while also tracking all the associated communications. 

TakeTurns also acknowledges that effective supplier collaboration is built on trust, and TakeTurns facilitates this by providing a transparent and secure environment for all interactions. The platform’s features support the relational and pragmatic aspects of supplier collaboration, fostering long-term, strategic partnerships that drive innovation and mutual growth.

Some example uses of TakeTurns in the S2P process:

The Ultimate Guide to Supplier Collaboration

Final thoughts

Effective supplier collaboration offers substantial benefits to both businesses and their suppliers. While the potential value is immense, realizing it requires the right tools. External collaboration platforms like TakeTurns offer a comprehensive solution, providing the necessary structure, security, and transparency to foster strong supplier partnerships. By investing in the right technology to support their strategic approach, procurement organizations can unlock the full potential of supplier collaboration and drive significant improvements in their supply chain operations.


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