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TakeTurns for

Customer Onboarding

TakeTurns helps you elevate the onboarding experience for your customer. It streamlines the process by providing one place to share documents and requests so you and your customer can keep track of everything.

It all starts with a TakeTurns Flow™

Invite each customer to a secure workspace

New customers join your Onboarding Flow without having to sign up, they just verify their email. Create a unified onboarding experience by incorporating requests and stakeholders from across departments—Finance, Training, Support—at no additional charge.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Share your onboarding package and set deadlines

Go beyond basic file sharing. Securely and simply distribute onboarding instructions, questionnaires, and document requests. Set deadlines so Customers complete tasks promptly.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Gather customer responses with ease

Stay up to date. TakeTurns notifies you when your customers respond. Use the built-in chat to resolve issues, answer questions, and keep everyone on the same page.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Track each customer’s progress

You and your business stakeholders get a big picture view of what’s going on. See a complete timeline of the onboarding—requests, uploads, messages. And it’s an audit trail to ensure your contractual obligations are met.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

See all open onboarding initiatives on one page

Monitor progress of your entire onboarding program. See the status of each initiative,  identify bottlenecks, and adjust project timelines effectively. And when a customer is onboarded, archive everything in one click.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Get started today