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Things you can do in a TakeTurns Flow™

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Christophe Barriolade
Christophe Barriolade
Co-founder & CEO
Things you can do in a TakeTurns Flow™

Welcome to TakeTurns! 

TakeTurns is an external collaboration platform designed to streamline how you work with people outside your organization.

It turns that clutter of emails and attachments into a structured, secure, and transparent TakeTurns Flow™.  It’s one place to share, collect, and collaborate on business-critical documents and files. 

In this article we’ll break down the key features of TakeTurns to help you get started (or watch this video!).

Getting into the Flow

The TakeTurns Flow™ is designed to keep all the content and communications of your external collaboration in one place.

Here are the main features:

  • Flows always involve two parties or organizations. Your side is highlighted in dark blue, making it easy to distinguish between your team and your collaborators. (More)
  • All permitted participants and their roles can be seen by clicking the ‘participants' icon. (More)
  • Your role is prominently displayed at the top (More

Keeping everyone connected and informed

  • Use the chat to communicate with everyone involved in the Flow at any point in time. Chats keep everyone updated on key events and discussions. (More)
  • File cards with blue banners indicate when the other party is requesting you take action—e.g., review this file or respond to a document collection request. (More)
  • The 'update' button will fillter all the content and show the material that’s changed. 
  • The ‘To Do’ button shows you all your tasks and requested actions. 

Working with content 

  • Click on any card to preview the file. From the ‘file preview modal’, you can mark it as reviewed or upload a revised version. The version history allows you to access all previous versions of a document. (More)
  • The toolbar at the bottom to add files, folders, and requests. (More)

Sending updates 

When you add new content, requests, or revisions, TakeTurns does not send the update immediately. Instead, the system holds everything in a 'draft' state, giving your team an opportunity to verify everything before updating everyone.  In order for the other party to see any of your new revisions, requests, or files, you must click Send Update (More).

Keeping Track

To view the complete history of your Flow, simply click 'Recap'. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of all activities and updates. (More)


TakeTurns is the safer, easier way to collaborate with people outside your organization. Its intuitive design ensures that all your collaborative efforts are efficiently managed, secure and transparent. For more information, visit TakeTurns or contact our support team.

Get started today
