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Creating your first TakeTurns Flow™

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Michaela Stoltzfus
Michaela Stoltzfus
Business Development Representative
Creating your first TakeTurns Flow™

TakeTurns is an external collaboration platform designed to streamline the work you do with people outside your organization. TakeTurns ensures that all content and communication stays organized, easily accessible, and secure.

The best way to experience TakeTurns is to create a TakeTurns Flow™ and start an external collaboration.

Watch this video to find out how!

What is a TakeTurns Flow™?

The TakeTurns Flow™ is always between you and another organization, or party. It’s designed to keep all the content and communications of your external collaboration in one place. By keeping everything in the same place for everyone, TakeTurns makes it easy to manage the collaboration, track progress, and maintain clear communication with all parties involved.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New Flow

Below is a quick overview of how to create a new TakeTurns Flow™. Please review help for more details if you have any lingering questions.

1. Starting the Process

To initiate a new Flow, navigate to the top right corner of the TakeTurns interface and click on the “New” button. This action opens the New Flow screen, where you will begin to input the necessary details for your collaboration.

2. Adding Participants

Under the section labeled “People you invite,” enter the name of the organization you are working with. Following this, add the email addresses of each individual you wish to invite to the Flow.   Within TakeTurns, only people that have been invited can access the Flow. You can add, or remove, participants at any time ensuring that the right people are involved at all times. 

3. Sharing Content

Next, move to the “Content you share” section. Here, you will enter the subject of the Flow and, if applicable, set a deadline for the project. This is also the place to attach any relevant content or requests, ensuring that all necessary materials are readily available to all participants. 

Remember this is a point of departure, not the only information or requests that will be shared with the other party. Both you and your counterparty can share file, requests, and add revisions throughout the entire collaborative process.  The Flow keeps track of all that material (and versions!) for you.  

4. Including Your Team

In the “You & your team” section, add the email addresses of your team members who will be part of the Flow. Remember you can grow (or shrink) the number of participants based on the needs of the collaborative process. If you’re interested in more on participants and roles, check out help.

5. Finalizing and Sending

Once all details are entered, click “Start” to save the Flow details.  Add a note to the other party, providing any additional context or instructions.  Finally, hit “Send” to officially start the Flow and kick off the collaboration.

Benefits of Using TakeTurns

TakeTurns is designed to simplify external collaboration, offering several key benefits:

  • All discussions and content are stored in one place, eliminating the need for endless email threads and scattered documents.
  • With clear sections for participants, content, and deadlines, managing projects becomes more straightforward and efficient.
  • By including both internal and external team members, TakeTurns ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering better teamwork and communication.


Creating a Flow in TakeTurns is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the way teams collaborate. By centralizing all content and communication, TakeTurns helps streamline projects, improve organization, and boost productivity. For more detailed information and to explore additional features, visit TakeTurns or contact our support team.

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